Weekly Words of Wisdom

Weekly Words of Wisdom
"I believe in the dignity of labor, whether with head or hand; that the world owes no man a living but that it owes every man an opportunity to make a living.
-John D. Rockefelle

Friday, August 5, 2011

Why Evil- Views on Evil

There is no human on earth that does not have some brush with evil in their lifetime.  Many things can be classified as evil; illness and disease, natural disaster such as hurricanes or earthquakes, pain both physical and mental, evil created by man such as rape or murder, world evil such as starvation or poverty.  Three basic answers to the overall problem of evil have been offered: Pantheism affirms God and denies evil. Atheism affirms evil and denies God. Theism affirms both God and evil.  In general pantheists believe God exists but deny the existence of evil. [i]  The atheist’s solution to evil is just the opposite, they admit evil is real, but do not believe God is. Sigmund Freud claimed that God is an illusion because belief in God is based on wish fulfillment.  However, we can only know something is evil (not good) if we know what is good.[1]  C.S. Lewis said “(when I was an atheist) my argument against God was that the universe seemed so cruel and unjust.  But how had I got this idea of just and unjust?  A man does not call a line crooked unless he has some idea of a straight line”.[2]  This leaves us with the remaining alternative that both God and evil are real.  But this nonetheless is a real problem- as least for the Christian view of God.  The God of the Bible is all-knowing, and He foresaw that evil would occur in His world.  He also is all-good and He desires to do away with evil.  In addition, He is all-powerful and could accomplish this.  Why then does evil exist?[3]  The Christian (theist) claims that only an infinitely good and infinitely powerful God can solve the problem of evil.  But how?  Again, are not absolute good and evil incompatible?  And could not an all-good and all-powerful God eliminate evil?  Next week we will explore more about the nature of evil.  We will look at this problem: 1. God created all things 2. Evil is something 3. Therefore, God created evil.  We will discuss and respond to this problem, we will learn that evil does not exist in itself.[4]  If you want read more details about “ If God, Why Evil?”  Be sure and pick up your own copy of the book by this title by Dr. Norman L. Geisler.  He will give you some real sound food for thought.

[1] Pg 13 If God, Why Evil? Norman L. Geisler
[2] Mere Christianity, 45
[3] Pg 14 If God, Why Evil? Norman L. Geisler
[4] Pg 19 If God, Why Evil? Norman L. Geisler

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